The Green Village is a new innovative real estate project located in the heart of Geneva’s international district and owned by the World Council of Churches. The exceptional location, immersed in a green oasis, will accommodate six new independent administrative and residential buildings. Green Village’s unique location is characterized by a park that connects the buildings, creating a friendly and relaxing environment. The project includes restaurants, a hotel, a conference center and generous walkways surrounded by nature.
Kyoto, the first commercial building to be built, is designed for private companies, international organizations and non-governmental associations. The nine-floor building offers a total surface of 12,000 m2 with each floor of 1,253 m2, divisible and available from 280 m2. The building will have an underground parking area. Kyoto is currently available for rent and from 2022 will be available for occupancy. Apart from the location, the project’s exclusiveness is based on its advanced approach to sustainable development combined with an elegant design.
The environmental and sustainable aspects of Green Village are reflected in its energy efficiency. The buildings will be low in energy consumption and powered by renewable energies, photovoltaic solar panels and grid-based energies, such as the microgrid. Green Village will comply with the Very High Energy Performance criteria of the Canton of Geneva. All actors are committed to obtain the One Planet Living (OPL) label for Green Village. OPL is an initiative of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), designating a sustainable neighbourhood, which aims as a community to meet specific standards, and bring continuous improvement in ecological practices.
To mark this commitment, each new building is symbolically named after the major international agreements on sustainable development: Kyoto, Montreal, Rio, Lima, Durban and Stockholm. The Kyoto building echoes the eponymous protocol signed in 1997 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Location and Mobility
At only 10 minutes’ walk from the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the International Telecommunication Union, Green Village’s natural spaces will offer the possibility to work in a peaceful environment. Several bus and tram lines will serve the site, with excellent connection to the airport, the station and the rest of the city. The new route des Nations, expected to open in 2022, will reduce local traffic congestion and provide direct access to the motorway.
World Council of Churches
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the current land and project owner of Green Village. The WCC is a worldwide fellowship of 350 member churches which represents more than half a billion Christians around the world. The WCC calls its member churches to seek unity, a common public witness and service to others in a world where hope and solidarity are the seeds for justice and peace. The WCC works with people of all faiths seeking reconciliation with the goal of justice, peace and a more equitable world.
The WCC is accompanied in developing the site by Implenia Suisse SA, which acts as developer, project manager and construction firm.
Rental of the office space are managed by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).